In September 2021, Dr Nicola Ashmore from Brighton University joined forces with artist and arts facilitator Savina Tarsitano to host a weeklong children’s artmaking workshop in Hamburg called the Kids Guernica workshop. Nicola’s research captures the content and impact of Picasso’s Guernica and versions of the Guernica around the world. A movement has developed around this original artwork of protest in its ability to inspire and inform peace. Children of KAP’S artists and embroiderers were led to develop their own enormous painted canvas, learning creative and expressive skills while safely and creatively hosted by Nicola’s team which included Carolyn Watt and Joe Hague.
The success of this workshop, not only for the children, but for the adults as well, has led to efforts to host another workshop in 2025, with the view to sustaining an art club for children in Hamburg that we host one day a week for children. There is no arts education in local schools. The introduction to the life skills and personal development inherent in creativity as well as exposure to the creative arts is thus high on our development agenda.
Watch the film ‘Guernica Remakings and Kids’ Guernica, Hamburg, South Africa 2022’ below: